Installation and Service Tool Kits:
A large selection of tools required for repair and maintenance across multiple industries, from basic electrical and mechanical equipment to sophisticated electronics.
Jensen Tools JTK-86BK Technician's Tool Kit in Single Black Cordura Plus Case
Meter is not included with Kit. JTM-69A may be ordered seperately. You wouldn’t expect to find such an extensive collection of tools in a small zipper case. The JTK-86BK includes a socket set, hex keys, an adjustable wrench and more.
Jensen Tools JTK-47GC Field Engineer's Kit in Single-Sided Gray Ballistic Case
Jensen’s JTK-47GC is a technician’s top choice for all field service applications. The diverse tool selection features a wide range of fastening tools, along with wire cutters, pliers, solder iron, and additional tools applicable for electronics repair.
Jensen Tools 9898 Deluxe Engineer Tool Kit W/ Wheels
The tools in this kit have been specifically assembled to help you work with a wide range of MRO applications. The kit contains over 125 tools. The case is black and includes an extendable handle, combo lock, and two-keyed latches.